Work page for code – Listen & Record

[L&R #004] [Keeping New Year’s resolutions]




  1. Who are the sponors?
  2. What is the name of the ‘special day’ metioned in the beginning?
  3. According to the audio, do the majority stick the their resolutions?
  4. Is it easy to break free from new habits?
  5. What are the thre steps metioned?
  6. What is your favourite step?
  7. What is your opinion of the audio overall?
  8. Do you believe that setting New Year resolutions is a good thing? Why?



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Your teacher will help you understand [in class] the following:

  • stick
  • break free
  • Peloton
  • back on track
  • reframe
  • pay off debt
  • attainable
  • down payment
  • retirement
  • IRAs
  • 41k
  • discourage
  • laser focused
  • rocky start
  • spouse
  • hold accountable